health care workers stack hands
Syncoro Health

Our mission is to improve healthcare through physician collaboration.

Physician Collaboration

We align physicians as business partners to ensure engagement, minimize outmigration and minimize physician turnover. Optimization of physician relationships boosts healthcare outcomes.

Our Solutions

Healthcare Demands are Growing

The combination of a physician shortage, increase in healthcare demand, and unprecedented rates of physicians leaving their communities should scare every American. We need to recognize that treating physicians like business partners will improve relationships with our existing physicians and is the first step to attract and retain a medical staff that will optimize healthcare delivery. We've got to make this work with the physicians we have left.

Nirmal Kaur, MD

What We DoSyncoro Health Customizes Growth

Our team orchestrates relationships with physicians as business partners in all specialty service lines.

Dr. Nirmal Kaur

Nirmal Kaur, MD

President and CEO

Dr. Kaur is a dual role board-certified gastroenterologist and physician executive consultant specializing in optimization of physician relationships through orchestrating improved communication, cooperation, and collaboration.

Leadership and Execution

  • Led the expansion of specialty care delivery over a 450-mile region, involving 6 health systems and 9 hospitals
  • 20+ physician specialty services
  • Clinical, operational, and administrative functions
  • Approach is patient-centric, focused on access, quality, and equity
Meet Our Team


Optimize with Syncoro Health

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